πŸ‹ The Legendary Honu of Hawaii



The Hawaiian Islands are an archipelago of eight major islands and numerous smaller islets and atolls in the North Pacific Ocean and is a hub for four of seven species of sea turtles on the Earth! During your visit on the Big Island of Hawaii, you may be able to observe and experience the presence of the olive ridley sea turtle, the green sea turtle, and the huge leatherback sea turtle. Note that due to effective and consistent conservation efforts in the State of Hawaii, the green sea turtle has now become the most common species of sea turtle found on all of the Hawaiian Islands. The Hawaiian name for sea turtle is 'honu' and is recognized throughout numerous Polynesian cultures.

Female green sea turtles lay their eggs on sandy shores between the months of May and August. It takes for green sea turtle eggs to incubate on average from 50 to 60 days. If you are patient and fortunate, during a clear, moonlit night, you may be able to observe and experience the green sea turtle hatchlings digging themselves out of their sandy nests and scrambling towards and entering gentle, curling waves of the vast and open Pacific Ocean. An interesting fact of sea turtles is that the sex of sea turtles is determined by the temperature of the nest. The cooler the sea turtle nest the more likely the nest will produce male sea turtles. The warmer the sea turtle nest the more likely the nest will produce female sea turtles. Get ready to see some honu on various sandy beaches found on the Big Island of Hawaii!